Wednesday, May 25, 2011

District cross-country


District cross-country was held on the 25th of May 2011 at Truemans rd reserve. The 20 boys and girls that made it past our school cross-country competed in this event. We all did very well, but the real standouts were Sophie (left) and Lachlan (right) who came within the top 10 of 90 and are going through to the next stage.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Persuasive Text

Some people think that cats can not be kept as pets! i believe that cats should be kept as pets.

The first reason is that if you have a mouse or a rat, your cat can catch it. Rats carry diseases so your cat can help you.

The second reason is that if someone is trying to break in, your cat can stop them by scratching and scaring them away.

Last of all, you can put a harness on them so they don't get away. This will stop them hunting native animals.

Cats make excellent pets if you are a responsible owner.

By Brianna

Persuasive Text

People often say that people should not be able to keep cats as pets!
I totally agree man!

Firstly, cats are silent killers. They hunt. They kill. All for sport.

Secondly, if it escapes, it can become... DA DA DAA!!! Feral. Feral cats are very dangerous to the environment. Did you know that feral cats kill 1000 native creatures each year?!

Thirdly, cats can get into bins and make terrible messes.

All in all, cats musn't be pets!

By Lochie M

Persuasive Text

Many people believe that people should not be allowed to keep cats as pets, but i strongly think they can make good pets if they are looked after properly.

If you are a responsible owner you can give your cat a collar with a bell, so the noise warns the birds when the cat is around.

I am convinced that cats can be taught not to stalk animals when they are young.

Cats are gentle companions and are easy to look after.

They also give great cuddles.

By Lachlan

Persuasive Text

Many people believe we should be allowed to keep cats as pets. well i say yes!

The first reason is that cats keep pests out of the house, such as mice, rats, insects, and natives.

The second reason is that cats can be trained to not run away and turn feral like other cats.

The third reason is that some cats stay inside nearly all of their life, so the chance of the cat turning feral is pretty low.

Summing it up, i strongly believe that cats make great companions, so i say yes!

By Jack Healey

Persuasive Text

Many people believe that people should have cats as pets.

I totally disagree with these people.

Firstly, if someone accidentally forgets to put a lock on the door, the cat might get out and it could kill a lot of native animals.

Secondly, if your cat gets out, it could become feral, and most feral cats are dangerous.

Finally, if more cats become feral, they will eat more native animals and more native animals will become extinct.

Summing it up, i don't think that people should be allowed to keep cats as pets, why not give dogs a try, they're cuddly and i'm CERTAIN they wont eat native animals.

By Kaylah

Persuasive Text

Some people think that people should be allowed to keep cats as pets.

I strongly disagree with these people.

My first reason is because what if you went out and the cat escaped, your cat could kill dozens of native animals.

My second reason is because you could be walking down the street and a feral cat can come running up to you. I'm certain that you will get a disease.

My third and final reason is that because you have to brush your cat and people don't like spending money.

Summing up means cats aren't good for pets.
By Josh Taylor